Invisalign Treatment Timeline: How Long Does It Really Take?
When you determine to return your teeth, you may ask a simple question, "How long I will wear these things?" Invisalign has developed as a popular substitute for old-style braces, offering a more private and convenient choice for both adolescents and people of all ages. But like any orthodontic remedy, the timetable is varied based on numerous elements. Therefore, if you're interested in Invisalign in Charlotte, NC , and so forth, it is important to know not only its general duration (x amount of months) but also the factors that promote or lower this. Typical Invisalign Treatment Timeline On average, an Invisalign treatment usually takes from 12 months to two years. Depending on how complicated or straightforward your case is will increase or decrease this period of time. For minor corrections, the treatment can be done in as little as six months, but for more difficult cases, it might require twenty-four months or longer. In contrast to old-fashioned braces, where the r...